Gaëlle Thisse, from Mirabelle TV, spent a morning with club MosAiles to film their pilots in action ...
Six MosAiles pilots, have enrolled five days of intense emotions paragliding in Salins-les-Bains (Jura) ...
Take advantage now.- First flight - Paragliding Courses - Paramotoring CoursesWe are ready to receive you ...
Following a premature opening of the pod, the parachute can end to be placed in the beam lines that will prevent it from opening...
Hello,School and Club MosAiles wishes you their best for this new year 2014.A 2013 year ending eventful...
Fall is in Moselle, an ideal season to learn to fly Paragliding and / or PPG. Milder air conditions, allowing aspiring pilots to fly more calmly.
Friday the last day of training has allowed us to discover local treasures such as the "crate wine" that we had the pleasure of drinking at ...
Thursday: we led us to control our wings in turbulent wind and had a theoretical examination with débrif. Objectives: ...