Adventure Paramotor Coupe Icare 2014 gets rolling

Publié le : 09/15/2014 19:52:36
Catégories : MosAiles News Rss feed , The MosAiles association Rss feed

Adventure Paramotor Coupe Icare 2014 gets rolling

Our adventure PPG, 5 days, begins tomorrow.

The goal is to stay in the Alps by air and join Saint Hilaire du Touvet where will it take place well known Coupe Icare.

The first flight will take place, and this is a first, the large airfield Azelot south of Nancy.

We will try to send you news each evening when the telephone network permits.

GPS Altivarios lent by Syride are loaded and the route is configured.

We take this opportunity to thank the Crédit Mutuel, which is our partner in this venture.

Arrival in Saint Hilaire du Touvet, Thursday or Friday.

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