Que voler ne soit plus un rêve pour vous en 2024

Publié le : 01/1/2024 00:00:00
Catégories : MosAiles News Rss feed

Que voler ne soit plus un rêve pour vous en 2024

Hello and best wishes for this new year that is starting!

MosAiles School, established in early 2003, is now entering its twenty-first year of existence.
However, the training has by no means become a routine, as each student remains unique with their own experiences and personal way of progressing.

What will not change in 2024:

  • The spirit of adventure and the fireworks of sensations.
  • Special offers for all festive occasions (grandparents, Valentine's Day, Black Flyday, Christmas...).
  • A variety of activities, from the first tandem flight to the Jura and Portugal Masterclasses.
  • The particular aerology of the Moselle, combining the aerological characteristics of coastal and mountainous regions. A plus that allows our future pilots to gain autonomy when they travel over unfamiliar terrain.

What will change in 2024:

  • More exciting activities on weekends at the Saint-Jean-Rohrbach base.

Our advice:

  • Book your "Baptême de l'air+" activities in the morning when the weather predicts afternoon gusts of wind.
  • Even if the weather conditions seem ideal, trust our expertise.
  • Considering the possibility of cancellation due to weather, don't wait until the last minute to book your session.

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