Publié le : 06/29/2022 06:37:27
Catégories : MosAiles News
You may have noticed that this month of June is extremely unstable and disturbed by repeated storms. We have just broken a record for lightning strikes.
June 2022 is today the most struck month in France since the start of this type of measurement in 1989. The old record from 1993 was 172,608 impacts.
This stormy situation is explained by the recurring presence of cold drops which generate a lot of instability due to air mass conflicts. The clouds bud more and end up turning into cumulonimbus clouds, these clouds feared by the pilots who generate very strong and dangerous updrafts.
Direct consequence at MosAiles : 50% of paragliding-paramotor activities canceled but as the wise say it is better to regret not having flown than to regret being in the air.